Sunday 5 February 2017

Driving to Holguin

 Our trip from Santiago de Cuba to Holguin was done in a 1958 Oldsmobile.
Our casa particular owner arranged the taxi for us.
Private Cubans are not allowed to drive foreigners around without a proper licence.
This is policed, so it's not worth anyone's while to do otherwise.

The day was very hot and humid.
The car had no air conditioning and old vinyl seats.
Thank goodness I always travel with a sarong - on this day it was useful as a seat cover, so our legs didn't stick to the vinyl.

The exhaust smell was also pretty over powering.

The trip was fun to start with, but I confess that I quickly got tired of the heat, being buffeted by the hot air & fumes coming in through the open windows and the poor shock absorbers that had no chance of easing our way over the many, many potholes (baches).

It was an adventure, best enjoyed in the past tense!

This post is part of Saturday Snapshot.

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